Some time in early 2011, four poetic tweeters @juliamarybird @msamykey @chrissywilliams & @thisisyogic (me) got all excited throwing obscure Indiana Jones references around the etherverse. What began as an afternoon’s online distraction has now morphed into one of the strangest live literature events you will ever come across. You Call Him Dr Jones! is our […]
Some time in early 2011, four poetic tweeters @juliamarybird @msamykey @chrissywilliams & @thisisyogic (me) got all excited throwing obscure Indiana Jones references around the etherverse. What began as an afternoon’s online distraction has now morphed into one of the strangest live literature events you will ever come across.
You Call Him Dr Jones! is our homage to Indiana Jones on his birthday. Yes, Raiders of the Lost Ark was released in 1981, which makes this venerable Spielberg franchise 30 years old. What better way to celebrate than to ask our favourite poets, musicians, comedians and performers to throw him a party. With whips. And boulders. And edible snakes.
We’ve enlisted the help of Jack Underwood, Rich Sandling, performance publishing duo *Ladies of the Press and many more. Fabulous jazz singer Gwyneth Herbert will open the night in a very, very special way. Siddhartha Bose will reimagine Temple of Doom. SJ Fowler and Patrick Coyle will get scared by snakes. Kirsten Irving will show you how they say goodbye in Austrian.
So join us on Saturday 22 October from 7pm at The Bell in East/Central London. And bring a hat.